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A Letter to Self

There will be tough times when your heart and mind might feel to give up at the very moment. There will be times when you will have no strength to fight but eventually will end up feeling like giving up. You might not even feel to wake up or working. You might need a long deep sleep just to calm your mind down. But you know what, that's ok. It's okay sometimes to be weak in your own company. it is totally fine to feel that life is very unfair to you. because that's the time life teaches you the tough lessons of your life. Teaches you to be strong and brave enough for the next fight. It's totally fine to take a break and stand back again, stronger than ever before, braver than ever before. But for that, if it needs your tears, so let it be. Cry your heart out. Cry till the moment your heart doesn't ask you to stop. do whatever you like. If it's writing, then write until your hands are tired and your mind asks you to stop. But with everything, don't ever stop.

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