Own The Show

Not everyone in the room can have your attention and there you know that you have to stand out. Yes from being just another boring girl I decided to just stand out. Enough of being bullied, being body shamed and being silent. And that was the biggest turning point of my life. 
I stopped being shy, being vulnerable all the time, stopped being nice to all started prioritising myself. And here I am. I have walked a long way and a long way to go. I started a new journey in my life, where it was a whole new me. I started trusting myself and believing that who I am is something that no one can take from me. Gaining confidence to be what I am today, took a hell lot of me. 
Being a shy and introverted person choosing to just stand out from the show was something a very tough decision for me to take. But since then I never looked back. I love the way I am today and I am looking forward to a better version of myself. A better version who will speak out loud that "Swetaleena, own the show".

~Swetaleena Mishra


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