The Pretty Dusk

In the daily course of life, something that keeps us connected to ourselves and gives us peace in the mind full of chaos is nothing but nature. So, here is my today's blog. 
I am not at all a morning person. Waking up at 8 is even a tough task for me. I am a person who just wakes up 5 mins before the class, and with my schedule being completely hectic, I get no time to admire the beautiful nature. Evenings are the only time I get to spend the best of my day. So here I take some time to praise the beautiful sunsets. 

Just imagine, a beautiful sunset between the mountains where the colours blend in elegantly, where the water slowly engulfs the sun as if giving up all the colours to the water to shine bright. Doesn't this remind you of a newly married woman? Completely bright and elegant, full of colours. Imagine being surrounded by the mountains and trees, where the birds chirping your heart's melancholy. The utter silence, far from the bustling roads and hard-pressed city life, is just you and your inner peace. 
Yes, I have been there, and that's the place where you connect to yourself the most. Nothing but the fact that you can listen to the mind's silence and the turmoil of your heart gives the mental peace that your mind craves. Therefore, dusks have always been my favourite part of the day. I will forever be the girl who gets excited seeing the sky in beautiful colours. 

~Swetaleena Mishra


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