Leap of Faith

Heard of those lines, "All it takes is a leap of faith?" Yes, my today's blog will prove that in my case. This blog is about my first ever Fashion Show organised by  Sri Sri University on 26 March 2022.
A total of 14 members took part from BGU as 'Team Phoenix'. Not all of them were models before that day but now are. The fact that the seniors taught the juniors and first-timers how to grace the ramp with style and coordination was astounding considering it was just two days of practice. 
With all diligently working together with their partners and in the group, we were capable to make our coordination quite perfect. Little did I know that so much can be learnt in just a short period. 
Finally, on the eve of our ramp show, we competed against 6 Universities. Our theme was Indo-Western. We created a story and amalgamation of two sides of our world i.e India and the West through our dresses, expressions, formations and postures. The music choice was a banger which had an enchanting effect on the audience.
All it needed was enough confidence and trust in yourself. I never believed that I will ever be able to do it being a shy girl who never even wore shorts in her lifetime. I would thank all my team members who trusted me and made me believe in myself. And you know what took for me to be there? Just a leap of faith.

~Swetaleena Mishra


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