The Perennial Reader

Things may seem to be changing every now and then but there is a need of  something constant to hold you strong for the times when you fall or fail, and for me, that thing is a book or a novel, cause reading brings me the most peace i have known, So here it's my third blog and I know many of my readers will relate to it. 

From my early teens itself, I had started reading novels as an escape from the turmoil. I am a person who lives the world very beautiful inside my mind. So to cope up with the things that have happened in real life and shook me deep down, I prefer reading. Since then and till this date it has never failed to be my perfect break free from mind arrest. 
I have got this habit of reading from my brother who has been a true inspiration to me in this journey of mine as a writer. I prefer paperback rather digital copies. There is something special about the texture of ink printed paper and smell it holds makes it worth having. 
A famous author Garrison Keillor precisely quoted it "A book is a gift you can gift again and again". And no doubt it is. 

Out of all the authors I have read to this date, John Green has been one of the most unexcelled author. I just love the way he presents his story in a detailed frame of reference. So do share who is your favourite and why. 

Life never goes easy or hard or beautiful or ugly. It's you and only your deeds that make it so. But a piece of advice, when nothing goes right, read a book.

-Swetaleena Mishra


  1. Paulo Coelho in my view one of the finest writer ever witnessed in my life because the way he expresses his thoughts in simple ways it seems like he is right beside you and narrating you the story!

    1. Yeah I agree on that... I haven't read much of his work just "The alchemist and Brida"


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